This article needs to start with a little background info. I originally developed Exertion Load because I needed a single input for weight training stress that I could input into a performance [...]
"Conan, what is best in life for hypertrophy", a voice asked. Conan replied, "To train with light to moderate loads, use a high level of muscular effort, and employ a variety of isolation [...]
What differences are there, if any, between the training of a recreational and elite lifter? A new app feature in version 8.6 helps us quickly spots some differences.
This chart reflects the conventional wisdom to use lower rep ranges if your goal is strength and moderate rep ranges for hypertrophy. Fortunately for you, dear reader, is that things are quite a [...]
A coach wants to compare strength between his 185 lb cornerback and his 265 lb defensive tackle. The cornerback squats 420 lb and the defensive tackle squats 590 lb. In absolute terms, the [...]
What should you expect as an aging lifter? The conventional wisdom is that your strength will decline with age. Never the less, there are plenty of people who are the strongest they've ever been [...]
Objective: To develop a method of body fat estimation specific to the population of experienced weight lifters as a function of age, gender, height, weight, and performance in the classic [...]